Tuesday, 16 January, 2024

Spotlight: A Free HTML Template

A simple, elegant, free HTML blog template.

What's Spotlight?

Spotlight is a simple, elegant, Bootstrap 4, HTML, blog template, released under the Apache 2.0 license (supplied with no guarantee or warranty).

Spotlight template screen shot


A demo of the template is available on Amazon Web Services linked from https://justaguycoding.com/free/templates/spotlight_html .

Template Download

You can find the template on GitHub at https://github.com/JustAGuyCoding/spotlight.

Design Details


The Montserrat and Raleway fonts are used for an easily readable, light and modern, feel.


The colour palette is simply dark-grey and white, with a little blue thrown in for links.


The site-name "Spotlight" is displayed in the top-left; to the right is the navigation bar which collapses to a hamburger menu for smaller devices. A search input box is provided to the top right.

The main feature is provided using a Jumbotron, displaying a banner image, accompanying Call to Action text and a link to the main content; two minor features are tucked underneath using Card Posts, showing small images and text for secondary Call to Action items.


Being Bootstrap based, the template is fully responsive and will resize to fit smaller screens automatically.

####Bonus Material - Webpack Starter Kit

I've also made the Webpack project used to build Spotlight HTML available on GitHub on https://github.com/JustAGuyCoding/spotlight-webpack.

The Starter Kit will allow you to optimise. Optimisations include:

  • Minification of CSS and JavaScript.
  • Comment removal from CSS and JavaScript.
  • Cache busting of JavaScript.
  • Inline CSS*

*You may want to modify the default output to reduce the CSS footprint and only inline Above the Fold CSS..

####Roadmap No future enhancements are planned at this time. Although other variations of this template which are planned include: Blogger, Umbraco and WordPress template variants.

If you require help or new features please get in touch.


Feature suggestions, enhancements, pull requests or other contributions are all welcome.


If you'd like to say thanks or encourage the creation of more templates in the future then why not buy me a coffee using Paypal? at https://www.paypal.me/justaguycoding or consider becoming a Patron on Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/justaguycoding